This may be a bit of a silly question but let’s say you want to issue a B/L to the order of X bank (for a client Y in China). Let’s say the consignor is in the US and the consignee in China. The B/L is sent to the order of the bank so the bank needs to sign it too.



Search and order the latest research content direct from the British Library. Find journal articles, books, conference papers and more. Order B/L. オーダーB/L 指図式船荷証券. 海上輸送で使われる物流用語。. 船荷証券(B/L)の一種。.

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BL / Gay (*Rated Order*) !!**My list of BL/Gay titles not listed here on MDL**!! There are a few titles listed here, that are not actually considered either bl or gay, but I've chosen to include them. I listan kan du välja att visa order av olika typer. Det gör du genom att klicka på pilen till höger om Alla order.

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