CombiGene AB på Spotlight gör en nyemission på 31 Mkr. Prospekt och teckningssedel för att investera i aktie. Värdering och villkor


The outcome entails that CombiGene can advance its pipeline programs toward the potential value inflection points arising out of the final parts of CombiGene’s preclinical program for CG01 and in vivo studies in the lipodystrophy project CGT2. The subscription period in the Rights Issue was completed on 31 March 2021.

CombiGene komplett bolagsfakta & börsnyheter från Analysguiden. Prenumerera här. The goal for CombiGene is to develop gene therapy treatment methods that can improve the lives of milions of people all over the world. Find out more about CombiGene AB, transformational gene therapy pipeline.

Combigene pipeline

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Bland annat har bolaget breddat sin pipeline, fyllt på kassan med 30 Mkr samt publicerat positiva prekliniska studiedata. Combigene är ett forskningsbolag. Idag fokuserar bolaget på att utveckla nya behandlingar avsedda för olika neurologiska sjukdomar. Störst fokus ligger inom behandling utav epilepsi, men även behandling av övriga nervsjukdomar förekommer. The Swedish Gene Therapy Company CombiGene aims to complete its preclinical program for the epilepsy project CG01 this year, in order to begin studies in humans in 2022. In this transitional phase, CombiGene has accelerated its recruitment process to occupy several key positions.

A first selection of drug candidates has been made in in vitro experiments with liver cells and the biotechnology company is now taking the next step by initiating in vivo studies to evaluate which protein expression […] BioStock: Status report CombiGene - In the front line of gene therapy Mon, Nov 30, 2020 09:14 CET. In recent years, gene therapies have emerged as one of the hottest areas within life science and the temperature is rising as the first treatments are now available to patients in the US and Europe. The goal for CombiGene is to develop gene therapy treatment methods that can improve the lives of milions of people all over the world. Find out more about CombiGene AB, DNA, RNA, Peptide Therapies and Gene Therapy.

CombiGene’s vision is to provide patients affected by severe life-altering diseases with the prospect of a better life through novel gene therapies. CombiGene’s business concept is to develop effective gene therapies for severe life-altering diseases where adequate treatment is currently lacking.

Om bolaget . CombiGene har genom att kombinera framsteg inom neurovetenskap och modern genteknik utvecklat en behandlingsmetod som i prekliniska studier visat sig kunna förhindra epilepsianfall.

Combigene pipeline

The goal for CombiGene is to develop gene therapy treatment methods that can improve the lives of milions of people all over the world. Find out more about CombiGene AB, transformational gene therapy pipeline. AveXis received its first U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval in May 2019 for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).

The Swedish Gene Therapy Company CombiGene aims to complete its preclinical program for the epilepsy project CG01 this year, in order to begin studies in humans in 2022. In this transitional phase, CombiGene has accelerated its recruitment process to occupy several key positions. Lipigons pipeline består av fyra aktiva projekt: RNA-läkemedlet Lipisense, inriktat mot förhöjda triglycerider; RNA-läkemedelsprojekt mot akut andnödssyndrom; ett genterapiprojekt för den sällsynta sjukdomen lipodystrofi tillsammans med Combigene AB (publ); och ett småmolekylsprojekt för dyslipidemi (allmänna blodfettsrubbningar) i samarbete med HitGen Inc. Läs mer på www.lipigon Bolaget har fyra projekt i pipeline, alla baserade på högaktuella terapeutiska teknologier, däribland RNA-teknologi.

There is a little analyst coverage of the stock, but not much. So there is room for it to gain more coverage. Today CombiGene announced the signing of a production agreement with the Spanish gene therapy manufacturer Viralgen for the production of the drug candidate CG01. The choice of partner is based on the fact that Viralgen can manufacture the candidate on a large scale, which means both cost savings and faster development of CG01, a gene […] BioStock: CombiGene's new Chairman on visions for the future Wed, Sep 09, 2020 08:51 CET. Bert Junno was elected new Chairman of the Board for the gene therapy company CombiGene during the Annual General Meeting in June. Combigene är ett forskningsbolag. Idag fokuserar bolaget på att utveckla nya behandlingar avsedda för olika neurologiska sjukdomar.
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Combigene pipeline

The goal for CombiGene is to develop gene therapy treatment methods that can improve the lives of milions of people all over the world. Find out more about CombiGene AB, DNA, RNA, Peptide Therapies and Gene Therapy.

#COMBIGENE daily. Bolag som forskar om Gen-terapi och eplepsi, i tidigt skede.
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CombiGene. Bakgrund CombiGene Grunden till CombiGene lades för över tjugo år sedan av professor Merab Kokaia vid Lunds universitet och docent David Woldbye vid Köpenhamns universitet som kunde visa att neuropeptiden Y (NPY) hämmar epileptiska anfall hos djur, samt att effekten kunde förstärkas ytterligare av NPY-receptorn Y2.

CombiGene’s business concept is to develop effective gene therapies for severe life-altering diseases where adequate treatment is currently lacking. 2021-04-06 · The Right Issue has been fully subscribed, which implies that CombiGene will receive proceeds of approximately MSEK 75 before issue costs.

the currently empty development pipelines. As a consequence, Novartis is pursuing higher-risk targets and approaches similar to that of biotech companies.

År 2019 inlicensierade CombiGene CGT2 från Lipigon Pharmaceuticals i syfte att utveckla en genterapeutisk behandling av den sällsynta metabola sjukdomen partiell lipodystrofi. Därmed breddade bolaget sin pipeline till att vara verksamt inom både neurologiska och metabola sjukdomar.

The latest milestone was reached on September 28 when the company announced that it, together with the Spanish manufacturer Viralgen, will begin large-scale production of the primary drug candidate CG01 for future safety and biodistribution studies.